Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Black hisotry month (Pster critique)

1).My favorite part of this assignment was finding information about the person I choose. It was great chance to study about black history month and getting to know someone who I did not know before. I now know who Sandra Brewster is and how she is related to Canadian Black History Month.

2).My least favorite part of this assignment was choosing a person for my assignment. It was fun after choosing a person but I had difficult time fining a person who fits in my assignment. I did lots of research for finding and I finally found Sandra Brewster.

3). Two new things I learned during this assignment were Sandra Brewster and using different color tone. I learned a lot about Sandra Brewster by reading articles, her experiences, her legacy, and her works.
Another Thing I learned is using dark color tone for different uses. For this assignment, the poster had to have some kind of heavy weight. I realized that it is possible to control the weight of the image by using different color tones. Dark color usually makes image heavier.

4).The thing I like best about my poster is the fact that I worked hard. I actually spent lots of hours for researching and gathering information. Then I also work hard to make the image heavy.

5). One thing I world change about my poster is the text in the poster. It seems like it does not have enough power to attract people’s attention. I would change to color of the text and also shape of the text to make it more powerful to attract people’s eye.

6).The meaning behind my design is combination of tiredness and comfortableness from her face. Sandra Brewster is one of Canada’s greatest artists. She is currently working on her work and she is still growing person. This means she will be greater artist than she is now. That is why I made her eye heavier than other part. To show her passion of art and to show her that she is hardworking person. She lightly smiles to show that she is confidence person

Monday, April 6, 2009

Balck History month poster

I wanted to make my poster look softer than usual. The person I picked is an artist. Artist’s image is soft not sharp. So I did not include any thick and sharp lines and shape. I also changed the color more lightly to make it look soft. Then I made her face look gloomy. Matter of the fact that she is African artist must be not easy. Even there are almost no racism in Canada, it is fact that there are still little bit left.

Her works (From: http://www.sandrabrewster.com/cv.htm)

Toronto Star, Hot fantasies, heroes, a hotel and much more, February 12, 2005, pg. H8

NOW Magazine, Heroic Heights: Group multimedia show looks at complex identity issues in smart ways, Feb. 3-9, 2005, Vol. 23, No.23, pg. 69.

The National Post, Black women artists redefine the heroic, January 29, 2005, pg. TO10.
NKA Journal of Contemporary African Art, Last Stop Residency, Spring/Summer, 2003, No. 18, pg. 102.
Lola Magazine, Shotgun Review, Winter, 2002-03, No. 14, pg. 81.Making Waves, On the Cover, Summer, 2002, Vol. 2:4, cover, pg. 2, back cover.The Annex Gleaner, Black Women Artists Inflitrate Spadina House, March 2002, Vol. 7, No. 11, pg.10.The Globe and Mail, Exhibition of Paintings Helps Honour Black History, January 31, 2002, pg. A1.
Artthrob, www.artthrob.co.za, Brewster and Schneckloth Inaugurate New CAP Gallery, March, 2001, Issue no. 43.

Educated in
B.F.A., York University, North York, Ontario

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Propaganda Poster

Born July 6, 1946) served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009. He was the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000 before being sworn in as President on January 20, 2001.

This propaganda poster is made when Bush became a President of United State. It is image of mosaic which has meaning of being united. It could be a symbol of democracy. The beauty of a mosaic is that thousand of represent face. This poster makes people to think that they are all involved in the nation. Especially, immigrants and non American people might think that they are not involved in any of America’s community. By putting many other different people’s face in the small images make a one single bigger image. Whether Bush did good job or not, he was United State’s poster, it gives a comfortable feeling of being involved in the nation.

Friday, February 6, 2009